Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good bye to January & Welcome to February

Bubye to January 2010.
In this month, i'm having a lot of difficulty such as terrible in managing my own time table, difficulty in finishing my own assignment and also terribly with group assignment.
Oh god!!! all of it make me sick, tension and crazy.
Hopefully all this messy terrible will be end as January ended.

Welcoming to February.
The romantic month with the full colour of roses and delicious chocolate.
With the beauty and nice smell from roses hopefully it will bring me the energetic feeling. May it will bring a hope to change my attitude, my schedule, and also can give me more energy, so im willing to do my work with highest motivation and be able to be a smart students.
"Not study hard but study smart"

Hopefully tis February will give me the better moment in my studies.
Chayok!!! chayok!!!

Amanat Tahun Baru 2010,com_seyret/Itemid,26/id,29/task,videodirectlink/

Amanat ini disampaikan oleh Tan Sri Dr Nordin Kardi pada 27 Januari 2010 di Dewan MAS.

Saya sgt bsetuju dgn cadangan membuat isu debat ant wakil2 rakyat, menteri2 ttg pelbagai isu yg boleh mjana lg pemikiran pelajar2 UUM.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010 !!!

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

Semoga kedatangan tahun baru ini membawa azam dan tekad yg baru untuk lebih berjaya dari tahun2 sebelumnya. Dengan itu kita seharuslah berusaha dengan bersungguh2 dlm mencapai azam baru kita. Jd janganlah kita sekadar mempunyai azam br tapi usaha xde. Nnti x ke mana pun azam yang telah dibuat. Oleh itu mari lah kita bersama2 mcapai azam yg telah dbuat dgn jayanya. Insyallah.... Disamping diharap segala usaha kita dalam mencapai azam baru diharap sentiasa berada dlm rahmat dan lindungan Allah s.w.t Amin...